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Police think it might have been gang related but that was a guess at best.All our friend was doing was walking to the nearby gas station for cigarettes. I went with my sister and her friends (I am an average height average build male, early 20s at the time) and these TCU football coaches (40s, 4 5 males) were there and started hitting on them and buying them drinks.just being friendly at this point, sorority girls will be sorority girls, but then the girls start dumping their shots out instead of drinking them and then ask to be left alone, and the dudes look at me with this wild look and I just tell them I don want any trouble.sister and I leave a bit later with our dd, I spark a smoke on the way to the car (I quite nervous at this time, I a lone dude against a group of 40 year old men) and I see two of them make a run at me. Things happen very quickly, cops get called, dudes make a run before they show up.
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