UK WorldHeart stopping footage shows moment brave armed police

Size and type of crowd The Ocean City motto says it all: „America’s Great Family Resort.“ The overwhelming majority of beach patrons this day were parents shepherding children, siblings bickering and/or grandparents trying to keep up with the group. For weeks or months at a time. But thankfully even shockingly the beaches weren’t especially loud.

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Alip passed away recently after suffering from throat cancer. Bapi is an ardent Mohun Bagan fan, who used to be a regular at clubs matches till last year. Similarly Alip was an East Bengal fan. Enjoy its intense blackcurrant fruit and the touch of mint that tops it all off.Couleurs du Sud Chardonnay 2008 Morrisons: Good to see this smooth and buttery white with its pineappleinfluenced tropical fruit flavours won silver in the World Chardonnay competition. To celebrate this latest success, Morrisons have sliced a pound off the normal price.Like us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterDaily NewsletterFamily RelationshipsWoman slams fat shaming comments after sharing bikini photo with her fit husbandJazzy proved it’s ok to have a different body type to your partnerSupermarketsAldi brings back budget 5 school uniform and you won’t believe what’s includedIt’s hard to believe that a fiver can stretch so far and there are other wallet friendly back to school deals to be grabbed too.Family KidsDrinking any alcohol during pregnancy ‚changes the way a baby’s nose, lips and eyes look’Researchers observed small changes to the mid face the nose, lips and eyes of babies who were exposed to any alcohol from the first trimester of pregnancyTeenagersNew book can help you cope with the challenge of being a parent to teensParents need to learn to keep their cool when faced with teenage anger and psychologist Michael Hawton believes his book is the answer to cope with adolescent kids.Mental healthHow to spot the signs your child needs help with mental healthThe rates of mental ill health in young people are increasing and as a parent you can play a vital role in offering support, writes Maggie Ritchie.UK WorldHeart stopping footage shows moment brave armed police officers kill London Bridge terrorists attacking innocent peopleWARNING: DISTRESSING IMAGES. Thanks to the swift action of the police, the attack was stopped eight minutes after the first callTransfer TalkTransfer news live as Celtic and Rangers plus the rest of the Premiership step up their squad rebuilds for new seasonScotland’s best transfer blog is up and running join us for all the latest done deals, news and rumours from Scottish football and further afield.Celtic FCCeltic dealt blow as Liverpool end interest in Virgil van DijkThe Hoops were set for a bumper sell on fee for their former star but the deal is now off the table after the Anfield side retreated.Scottish Liberal DemocratsProsecutors are probing ‚financial irregularities‘ in Scottish Lib Dem campaignThe party are insisting their general election chief behaved ‚by the book‘.JaguarJaguar F Pace is Women’s World Car of the YearThe Jaguar F Pace has been named the Women’s World Car of the Year for 2016 and the award presented to bosses of the big cat marque at their factory in Coventry.Motoring NewsFranchitti family win the Jim Clark Memorial AwardThe famous Franchitti Scots motorsport family have spoken of their delight at being given the Jim Clark Memorial Award and you can get their reaction here.UK World’One day I will have to tell my little girl what her father did‘: London terrorist’s ex wife speaks outCharisse O’Leary, mother to Redouane’s 18 month old daughter, met Rachid Redouane in London in 2010 before they got married in Dublin in 2012Housing’People thought I was bonkers‘ Scot builds cheap as chips home using old McDonald’s wrappersAngus Carnie put his waste expertise to great use and created all the building materials he needed from items that would normally be chucked in the bin including old bedsheets.Wishaw General HospitalWishaw schoolboy rushed to hospital after ecstasy drug scareThe second year pupil was rushed to Wishaw General after the incident at St Aidan’s High last Thursday..