The patches of old growth tallgrass prairie that have survived

The Globetrotters were perennial participants in the World Professional Basketball Tournament, winning it in 1940. In a heavily attended matchup a few years later, the 1948 Globetrotters Lakers game, the Globetrotters made headlines when they beat one of the best white basketball teams in the country, the Minneapolis Lakers (now the Los Angeles Lakers). The Globetrotters gradually worked comic routines into their act a direction the team has credited to Reece „Goose“ Tatum,[3] who joined in 1941 and eventually became known more for entertainment than sports.[4] Once one of the most famous teams in the country, the Globetrotters were eventually eclipsed by the rise of the National Basketball Association, particularly when NBA teams began fielding African American players in the 1950s.[5] In 1950, Harlem Globetrotter Chuck Cooper became the first black player to be drafted in the NBA by Boston and teammate Nat „Sweetwater“ Clifton became the first African American player to sign an NBA contract when the New York Knicks purchased his contract from the Globetrotters.

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