The fucker was telling everyone he had 1500 local currency

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I remembered so many things about the moment. And so it was a way for me to stay close to my wife, really close to her. And it would bring back parts of our life together that sort of counteracted the intense sadness that I was going through.. Her post was responded to in quick succession with „Yeah I hear you! I just wanna sleep and DH just wants to have sex! I give in and then I can sleepeasier I guess!“ and „I’m right there with you. I try and go a day on and a day off but I’m at day 3 off and my times (sic) running out!“ One woman explained that Wednesday night was designated sex night „so I don’t have to hear [my husband] say he never gets any.“ She quickly added „but he’s going to have to take a pass tonight. I am constipated.“.

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