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The only major complaint I have is that they don seem to always correctly identify that I put them in while laying down. It seems like it was eluded that the only people who ever died during the witch trial days were not wizards to begin with. And remember Wendelin the Weird?.

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It was an analogy, ya know, as a way compare two very different things threaded by the same idea. If your take away from my analogy was I think women are the same as children with ADHD, well, okay. Let me explain the actual point. They made me so much worse. Nothing really helped. I had horrible side effects.

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My eldest is in public first grade, so still pretty young. But we ABSOLUTELY have saved money since she started public school. For what it’s worth, we don’t have to pay for child care before/after school and she brings her lunch. People won’t understand or support your goals. You’ll be offered a giant slab of cake 3 times a month for some coworkers birthday party. You’ll have stressful days and want to murder a bag of Doritos in front of the tv.I will only say that get a goal that not based around Maybe sign up for a race in a few months, or begin working towards your first pullup? Weight loss and strength gain is a slippery slope with plateau abound and it a hard slog if they are your only goal.

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