Similarly, the color’s effect also may subconsciously
Off, then, down Regent Street where spring has sprung wonderfully. In Cumbria the lambs, freed from snow, are gambolling; in London, the brave souls who sat at pavement tables in winter are now glowing in the sun; and everywhere the sap is rising! Time to hurry about St James’s Park, already in mid morning crowded with troops of schoolchildren, although never too crowded to be visited. Blossom out in full now, daffodils still flourishing, pelicans still pecking their downy chests; everything sparkling because the sun has got his hat on and has come out to play.
Their findings are in Thursday’s issue of the journal Nature.Just think of the red stripes on the scowling face of the male Mandrill, Africa’s largest monkey species. But red is not exclusively a male trait. It’s the female black widow spider that is venomous and displays a menacing red dot on her abdomen.Similarly, the color’s effect also may subconsciously intimidate opponents in athletic contests, especially when the athletes are equal in skill and strength, the researchers suggest.In their survey, the anthropologists analyzed the results of four combat sports at the summer games: boxing, tae kwon do, Greco Roman wrestling and freestyle wrestling.In those events, the athletes were randomly assigned red protective gear and other sportwear.Athletes wearing red gear won more often in 16 of 21 rounds of competition in all four events.The effect was the same regardless of weight classes, too: 19 of 29 classes had more red winners, and only four rounds had more blue winners.The red effect also might come into play in team sports.The anthropologists made a preliminary analysis of the Euro 2004 international soccer tournament, in which teams wore jerseys of different colors in different matches.
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