She’s trying to get legislation passed so that sexual

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dog dildo AND the robot probably will tell you that it is indeed me because its memories will give it the illusion that it had experienced all that I had experienced even though its first real memories are only moments old.The kicker is, even if it did work, I will still be haunted by the possibility that I am just a robot with the illusion of continuous consciousness created by perfect memories. (There is a similar brain teaser that posits the theory that we die every day as we go to sleep and are replaced by a new consciousness every morning) And once again it won matter to you because you experience me as me either way.After really pondering the subjectivity of the self consciousness starts to seem a bit worthless and unreal, and I would love if Westworld goes deeper into the mind games based on it. They all already have corner stone memories that are purely fictional but they believe to be real.I love thinking about this stuff and I hope it will be possible someday (sorry this is off the deep end and barely about Westworld anymore).antipoet 2 points submitted 9 months agoI mostly comparing it to Nixon approval ratings through all the news of Watergate dog dildo.