It was undersubscribed, we will be advertising again for a

The man behind the performances, the guy who writes the songs, is Wayne Sheridan. His fast finger action on the slide guitar and the lead resonator guitar along with his smooth and exciting vocal arrangements keeps the music hot and exciting. Here is a local guy with talent to spare.

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At least 60 per cent of the funding will assist with projects that are geared towards enhancing environmental sustainability, such as water and waste water systems, public transit, and environmental energy improvements. Other infrastructure projects will support local roads, cultural and recreational facilities kanken backpack, tourism, and broadband connectivity. Funding for this project is conditionally approved, pending the successful completion of an environmental assessment..

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Four members of Branch 13 traveled to Ottawa for the 42nd Dominion Convention. Events kicked off on Sunday with a huge parade forming up on Parliament Hill and marching to the Cenotaph where wreaths were placed and prayers were said for our Fallen Comrades. The Branch 13 Banner flew proudly near the beginning of the parade.

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