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Yea I don know how I feel about it. On the one hand, teams that have blown it all up and started over have certainly had mixed results. I mean look at Buffalo, they completely nuked their roster and sure they got a couple of high picks and got guys canada goose outlet like Eichel, Reinhart, Dahlin, and Mittelstadt, but they still garbage.

Maybe a more convincing (or easy) experiment would be to train 2 models completely to convergence, one with the FC layer in the middle, and one with a conv layer in the middle, and comparing their performance on a test set (and timing the training). But be careful, I suspect that most hyperparameters often used in current literature do favor FC layers at the end, and thus you might need to spend some time tuning the hyperparameters for the model with the FC layer in the middle to get compareable or better performance. Than indeed pay good attention to your weight initialization and optimization.